Minggu, 20 Juli 2008

Kebrutalan Siang Bolong

Today, I supposed to go to visit my very very very VERY bestfriend, Fanny. She is in hospital right now. It is kinda sad because she is (like other D’Djayuz) a strong women. Specially because she is in a major that dominate by man, you know,, electric engineering.

Then I make an appointment with two other D’Djayuz. I thought they were think I’m still in Bandung, so they decided to go visit Fanny by theirself. We make an appointment at Rancho.

Now, I spend my night in my auntie’s house, in Cipayung. This evening, my aunty went out with Mbak Mar, leaving house with me, Ricky, Lia, and Dea. Apparantely, my auntie forgot that I would go outside. She locked all the door, including the gate.

I just knew it when I would go. I begun to panic, but Dea wat taking control. She said “Lewat depan aja, Mbak Sika. Ada kuncinya kok”. Okay then, both of us would go outside from front door. After the front door unlocked, we saw that the gate locked too..

Then I thought that I had no more time. My friends were waiting for me. So I climbed the gate. When I climbed that gate, it was smoothly normal. Nothing went wrong… until I landed in ground.

Technically, I didn’t do something wrong. I just climbed and landed. What happen next?
The gate dropped!!!!

It was so shocky me! Wow!!

Hahaha!!! I’m not that heavy… huhuhuhu…

Aku tidak seberat itu kok yang mengakibatkan pager bisa jatoh. Pagernya aja yang udah karatan! Nyalahin gtu sih..

Ehehehehe… pake acara telat lagi ke rumah sakitnya..

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